Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is the problem and who does it affect?

What is the problem? Who does it affect?

       There are currently 13o,000 children in the United States alone waiting to be adopted! That means there are 1300,000 little broken hearts that don't have the family that we take for granted a lot of times. We, myself included, get annoyed by our parents and wish they'd leave us alone sometimes. There are so many children not only in the U.S. who hope and pray to get a family like what we have! So be thankful!

      The problem is that adoption is not as popular or frequent as I believe it should and can be for the following reasons:

  • The high cost of the process
  • The lengthy amount of time it could take to go through it
  • Some people's "pride factor"
  • People's lack of knowledge on the topic
Why should you adopt in the future?

  • You may not be able to change the world, but you can change one child's world
  • That child will also change your world!
  • If you can't become a parent naturally, it's the best solution for everyone!
  • There are already so many children needing a loving home & forever family
  • LOOK at these smiling faces!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Intro to my blog

Delaney at her Kindergarten field trip to the Pumpkin Patch
A little about me:
My name is Ashton Eslinger, I am a sophomore and from Kansas City, my major is special education, due to this there is a special place in my heart for children of all kinds and from all places. All kids everywhere deserve a loving home and ones who care about them.
 When I started thinking about what I wanted my blog to be about it didn't take long, the first thing that came to my mind was adoption! I think adoption is such an awesome thing and that it should be considered as an option for more families. Not many people are very knowledgeable on the topic, so that is something I hope to change through this blog. Along with that, I think the long, grueling process of it should be loosened up a bit as not to discourage families from trying to adopt. The process should be difficult enough to weed out potential parents who aren't serious, but not enough to deter amazing families from going through with it.
Why I'm writing this blog:
 I've had a little cousin adopted from Peru, she's 5 now and she is the perfect little addition to our family! She formerly lived in an orphanage and I just think it is so awesome that now she has a house and an entire family who loves her more than anything. That is the coolest part about adoption, you can completely change a child's world. As much as we as a family have changed her world, she's changed ours immeasurably more, shown us how lucky we are and how trusting and loving she is!
This blog will discuss what exactly the problem is, who it affects, what my solution is, and where you can enter to help this problem. I look forward to getting this blog started!
My cousins and I right after Delaney came home 2 years ago